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Maker (メーカー)
Hasegawa As you know, Hasegawa is the shop of old standing.
Well-known Tamiya model. Somehow there are a lot of conversions set of our products for Tamiya.
Shop (お 店)
ModelWorks Sapporo We have been always indebted to this model shop. Amazon doesn't only sell the book. A major kit is unexpectedly inexpensive!
Two Bobs The decal manufacturer in the United States, and sells other decals. Please look for here when there is no decal in our products.
Material (資 料)
Color guide There is a color table for around the world. It is convenient that each manufacturer can sort the FS number.
Pin-Up Girls There are a lot of pin-up girls. How about as drawing nose-art?
Friends (仲 間)
Akatombo works. The garage kit manufacturer.

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